Female Lawyers & Business Via Social Media Networks

(International Bar Association (IBA


14 JAN 2021 1600 – 1700 GMT |


This webinar focused on:

General introduction to social media for business purposes

1) The difference between female/male use of social media for business purposes?

2) Which social media channel to use for business in 2020?

3) Which social media channel to use for whom or what?

4) How can I generate business?

5) Do’s and Don’ts


IBA Women Lawyers’ Interest Group

Session / Workshop chairs


برای مشاهده فیلم سمینار اینجا را کلیک نمایید

This is an Open Access Session, which is free to attend. We ask that you please register for this session via the zoom registration link.

Certificate – Emergency session – 20 Janتصویر گواهینامه شرکت در سمینار

Download Presentation


سوالات متداول

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