The differences between family court, civil court and criminal court regarding their jurisdiction.
Perhaps, one of the most important issues assisting the states in order to achieve their targeted strategies regarding a high social just system is a categorized principal jurisdiction including family, civil and criminal courts. It seems a viroid jurisdiction prevents local and federal governments as well as aristocracy and some autocratic leaderships from an organized social disarray and assists them in order to prepare individual and social infrastructures eliminating on intractable increasing public angst. A famous categorizing approach divides the courts into two main departments entitled civil and criminal courts irrespective of their hierarchies. A myriad of differences has been raised controversially in order to present how they work independently and also in collaboration. In addition, some new-found judicial branches like media or revolutionary courts do not have any grave impacts on two main historical departments mentioned above.
First and foremost, civil car has captured public attention to recognize legal distributive functions managing individual and social relationships. It not only determines the rights of people claimed by them via lodging an application, imposes both parties in order to settle their disputes in the court or in a semi- judicial arbitration system as well. A vast range of subjects has been disused by both parties in the civil courts. Legal academics and professions are searching and even struggling to define civil jurisdiction in managing their daily relationships.
Undoubtedly, such a jurisdiction assists the individuals or legal personalities suing by any litigants to show legality and legitimacy of a legal system so as to persuade other citizens to live as good and assertive members of their societies. They articulate that the people living in a predefined group of people have been persuaded about taking a serene mannerism removing some restrictive views about their lives into account.
On the other hand, some lawyers and judges have invoked about some points claiming this manner.Some scholars discuss that it is likely to make a Jurisdynamic. Irrespective of such a physiological and legal attitudes justifying there social roots and legal deductions from different perspectives, a package of activities in business or individual or social behaviors among people have been recognized under civil jurisdiction in all legal systems around the world. For example, two parties of a contract or an agreement are faced with some misunderstandings about sentences or phrases written already by the lawyers in an agreement. They are likely to be on the verge of some serious damages, if both of them cannot settle their disputes or clarify the vague points or eases already lodged in a civil court. Family disputes and problems about custody or guardianship have been judged in family court. The legal relationship between children and both parents and a parent are managed legally in this kind of the court. The subject of divorce and its financial conditions are under family court jurisdiction. It is necessary to mention that some civil or criminal cases exceptionally are possible to be lodged in family courts, if their results hone judicially a direct impact on the result of the main application already lodged under family court jurisdiction. While the family court is not authorized to judge about those in a normal situation.It, hence, is a vastly accepted principal point that the family issues should be prioritized and distinguished from other subjects. Such a necessity has been accorded perfectly by the international human rights instruments and other resolutions issued directly and approved vastly by the majority of UN members or other global organizations like the International law commission and NGOs since 1948 till now. What is of great value is this jurisdiction is applied by countries in their domestic legal systems as laws or regulations passed by their parliaments nominated as fair and just judicial principles.
Some empirical researches criticizing this attitude in common law judicial systems cannot capture the academic attention in favor of their results increasing public apathy and breaching international movements on human rights including children and women rights supported by the new-found conservative international law. It is worth mentioning that it has been raised nowadays to assess an affluent society and amiable judicial system, owing to the rights of people to live in the best situation. They are apt to enjoy their lives and manage their family relationships without any serious concerns and with a different disputing procedures.
Another kind of jurisdiction focuses on criminal matters. Unfortuately, the increasing rate of crime commitment attracts public attention, whereas technology and different styles of education are struggling to teach people not to behave illegally in their daily lives. People, colleges, universities, NGOs, civil societies as well as governments work in collaboration, but they cannot decrease some grave concerns observed by officials and academics about criminals. Due to such a huge situation, criminal jurisdiction struggles to behave differently to persuade both citizens and states to reorder individual and social relationships. Criminal procedures are raised to find a tradeoff between the order requested vastly be people and criminal conducts committed by individuals. The necessity of such a different jurisdiction is coming because of the importance of tackling differently crimes, torts and various kinds of misconducts done by people, especially juvenile and children. States, therefore, preserve the society and protect all people including delinquent teenagers. Both preventing them from recommitting crimes and reshaping their personalities to come back as good citizens are a must in each criminal system. While it has never been prescribed at all to use serious punishments, a criminal judge and officer have been recommended to behave with a benevolent manner to achieve justice and help criminals to live in correct path without any anti-social conducts. Therefore, all kinds of crimes like murder, theft like identity theft, fraud and other criminal misbehavior in business and trade have been defined under criminal jurisdiction.
Having cited above points, I strongly believe in the idea that the different kinds of jurisdiction assist the courts to behave and judge precisely to reach justice.