Review of M&A market in Russia and CIS

United Kingdom, London

(International Bar Association (IBA


Date Time: Dec 1, 2020 01:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time


Participants of this session will discuss the M&A market in general, from Russian and foreign perspective, and from a bankers and investor’s view. Panellists will provide an insider’s look of the financial, economic and business factors affecting the M&A in the CIS region. Topics will include:
• Key drivers of Russian and CIS M&A markets: dynamics, trends and industry-specific aspects
• Key investment priorities in the long and medium term, and where to find the sources of growth
• Covid-19 and its influence on Russian and CIS M&A markets


IBA Legal Policy and Research Unit
Bar Issues Commission – (Lead)



Andrei Dontsov, White & Case, Moscow


Elaine Green, Mergermarket, London
Andrey Kartashyan, Sberbank, Moscow
Dmitri Sedov, Goldman Sachs, Moscow
Pavel Vlasov, Avito, Moscow

برای مشاهده فیلم سمینار اینجا را کلیک نمایید

This is an Open Access Session, which is free to attend. We ask that you please register for this session via the zoom registration link.

تصویر گواهینامه شرکت در سمینار

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