Lawyers and legal academics are deeply conflicted about the practical impact of the knowledge of law on the improvement of legal services performed by lawyers. Objective observations extracted from professional experiences point out that the quality of legal services has been challenged by researchers. A graduated student is far from the practical stage to play a professional role as a lawyer or judge. Therefore, a huge gap has been discovered between education and experience. It criticizes lawyers to what extent they are successful to serve citizens and they are expected ethically. Undoubtedly, lawyering contains the skills preparing lawyers to use their legal knowledge in order to operate their roles precisely.
legal advisors as well as lawyers and judges always communicate with people who are on the verge of phycological attacks. They, either plaintiff or defendants, live in an abnormal situation. In a private discussion or public hearing sessions, to make an inarticulate communication as well as the communications of ideas is vital to present fact as real as occurred. It is necessary to recognize distinct perspectives of a factual event. A client or the accused has the right to lie or hide what happened. They may behave unconsciously. Of course, it may be a stage to complete a criminal process. Defense or judgment is mostly likely to present an incorrect point of view, if a lawyer or judge cannot distinguish between the whole truth of matter and untrue stories. Therefore, lawyers are obliged to learn phycological skills.
A lawyer should be a perfect legal manager. Whatever occurring in the courts, hearing or investigating sessions, is a part of lawyering. Lawyers manage their cases and visit their clients in their offices. They have a special structure and organization for lawyering. Paralegals, financial assistants, legal researchers, under training lawyers, clerks and other personals, for example, are working in a collaboration. Such an organization needs a manager who knows necessary knowledge about how to setup and run their legal business. Lawyers must manage their team and lead them to perform their functions as a teamwork. This working style helps their members feel engaged in what they are doing by building relationships between clients and encouraging them to grow in their professional life. Tasks that would be far too big and challenging for one person to take on can be divided between several people and successfully completed by a team. Hence, it is necessary for lawyers to be prepared as highly professional managers to run their business and serve their clients as it is expected from them.
Lawyering is a part of economy. Consequently, lawyers are to work in order to make a fortune. It is sheer truth that they need more financial resources to setup and run their business resulting in living better, working more professionally and even more comfortably. Undoubtedly, their office should be organized by a complex structure run by personals educated to complete an exact cycle of a legal defense. It is clear that the personal management is very expensive. In addition, a lawyer’s prestige is not cheap, at all. Therefore, the better management of their business, the better lawyering. Consequently, the skills for negotiation, whenever they want to finalize a contract based on the financial relationship with clients, are vital to run a legal office. Even if a lawyer is the best advocate to defend or the most famous barrister, while they are cannot manage their private life or office financially, they are is recognized as a nonsense position. Of course, the point is that this lawyer is not a good one, because they have not necessarily interpersonal skills needed to manage a situation or the cases they are responsible for.
Three skills mentioned above are just examples of abilities needed for lawyers to complete their duties as expected from them. Consequently, legal academics and lawyers are searching and even struggling to design a new-found structure to encourage their coworkers in order to improve their abilities and create new capabilities to work as a lawyer. It is an obvious notion that a successful lawyer is a skilled lawyer. This idea is clear as much as a high-powered mechanic who knows all details about a car, not necessarily, is not a good driver. To be a professional one, he must learn driving skills. Lawyering, law and lawyers are not exception.