UN & Systemic Racism

United Kingdom, London

(International Bar Association (IBA


20 January 2021 | 0700 – 0815 EST (GMT-5) | 1800 GMT | 2100 – 2215 JST (GMT+9) |


This webinar will focus on:

Continuation of IBA Human Rights Law Committee conversations on systemic racism, specifically ‘Black Lives Matter: Reviewing US systemic racism under CERD’ and ‘CAT

1) ‘Black Lives Matter: A Challenge to the Law’.

2) Review of political developments since.

3) United Nations Human Rights Council.

4) Emergency Session on systemic racism.

5) Regional perspectives on racially.

6) Inspired human rights violations from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.


IBA Human Rights Law Committee

Session / Workshop chairs


برای مشاهده فیلم سمینار اینجا را کلیک نمایید

This is an Open Access Session, which is free to attend. We ask that you please register for this session via the zoom registration link.

Certificate – Emergency session – 20 Janتصویر گواهینامه شرکت در سمینار

سوالات متداول

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