WIG LATAM, Mentoring & Career Development Tools

(International Bar Association (IBA


21 Jan 2021, 1700 GMT |


Mentoring programmes are a critical part of both professional and personal development. For women, mentoring may be an avenue to develop a leadership pipeline and to advance their career, not only as a mentee but also as a mentor. We also believe in the importance of mentoring for assuring inclusion in workplace and, ultimately, mentoring as good business.

This webinar explored the importance of mentoring for advancing a career, not only as a tool for young lawyers but for senior lawyers, and how women may enhance their careers with male or women mentors.

Topics included:

The differences between sponsorship and mentoring programmes

How to choose and engage a mentor for every step of your career

How to get the most out of a mentoring programme as a mentor and mentee

Why companies and law firms should invest in mentoring programmes?


IBA Women Lawyers’ Interest Group

Session / Workshop chairs


برای مشاهده فیلم سمینار اینجا را کلیک نمایید

This is an Open Access Session, which is free to attend. We ask that you please register for this session via the zoom registration link.

سوالات متداول

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