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  1. Certificate: Regional Workshop on International Cooperation in Asset Recovery Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Economic Cooperation Organization, Regional Program for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries Place and Year: Iran, Tehran,
    10-11 October 2012;
  2. Certificate: The Second International Summer School on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity Institute: Institute for Social Research – Swinburne University of Technology of Australia, School of International Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
    Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity; Tehran, Iran, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 9-11 July 2012;
  3. Certificate: Workshop on Tackling Transnational Organized Crime Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and INTERPOL (Tehran) Place and Year:  Iran, Tehran, 25-26 June 2012 Certificate: International Workshop on Human Rights and Development
    Institute: Shahid Beheshti University, Non-Aliged Movement Center for Human Rights, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Peace and Democracy Place and Year:  Iran, Tehran, 22 May 2012
  4. Certificate: Regional Workshop on Preventing and Combating Cross-border Cash Smuggling Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Place and Year:  Tajikestan, Dushanbe, 25-27 Jan 2012 Certificate: Assessing Major Gaps and Challenges in International
    Humanitarian Law (IHL)Smuggling Institute: University of Geneva, University of Shahid Beheshti, Islamic Human Rights Commission Place and Year: 8 Jan 2011, Tehran, Iran
  5. Certificate: Preventive and Administrative Measures on Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism for Financial Institute: The Financial Intelligence Unit of the I.R. of Iran and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Place and Year: Iran,
    Tehran, 28-29 November 2011
  6. Certificate: International Humanitarian Law: Protection of Civilians Institute: The Non-Aliged Movement Center for Human Rights, the ICRC, National University of Ireland and Shahid Beheshti University Place: Iran, Tehran
  7. Certificate: Human Rights and Cultural Diversity Institute: Center for Human Rights Education at Curtin University, Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy Place: Iran,
  8. Certificate: International Trade Law: E-commerce and Internet Institute: Austrian Center for International Legal Studies – CILS- and Iranian Association Bar on Drugs and Crime Place:  Iran, Tehran
  9. Certificate: International Trade Law Institute: Austrian Center for International Legal Studies – CILS © Iranian Association Bar Place and Year: Iran, Tehran
  10. Certificate: World Assembly of International Trade Regulation © Contracts in Middle East Institute: The British Law Society © Solicitors Regulation Authority Place and Year: Iran, Kish
  11. Certificate: Legal Research Methodology Institute: Faculty of Law, National University of Malaysia (UKM) Place and Year: Malaysia, Kualalampur, 2010
  12. Certificate: Cybercrime Institute: Iranian Judiciary and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Iran Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 26 May 2012
  13. Certificate: Anti-Corruption Thematic Areas, Methods and Tools of Asset Recovery Institute: Iranian Judiciary, Interpol – Tehran and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Iran Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 11 and 12 Nov 2012
  14. Certificate: Human Rights and Cultures, Legal Cultures in Support of the jurisprudence of Humanity Institute: Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, ICRC Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 13-15 Nov 2012
  15. Certificate: Practical Measures to Prevent Illegal Trafficking and Smuggling of Cultural Property and Investigate and Recover Stolen or Smuggled Artifacts Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Italian Military Force (Carribainary) Place
    and Year: Italia, Roma, 19 -21 November 2012
  16. Certificate: International Trade Law: Foreign Investment and International Transportation Institute: Austrian Center for International Legal Studies – CILS- and Iranian Association Bar Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 22-23 April 2015
  17. Certificate: Independence of the Legal Profession and Bar Association: International Perspectives Institute: International Bar Association and Nationwide Union of Iranian Bar Associations Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 26 July 2015
  18. Certificate: Principles and Techniques in International Negotiations Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, May 12-16, 2012
  19. Certificate: Principles and Techniques in International Trades Negotiations Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 8- 11, 2012
  20. Certificate: Multilateral Diplomacy in Theory and Practice Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 12- 18, 2012
  21. Certificate: Understanding and Developing Treaties in the International and Regional Organizations Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 19, 2012
  22. Certificate: Specialized  Workshop on Principles, Techniques and Art of Negotiation Institute: Industrial Management Institute Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 2, 2012
  23. Certificate: Review on Public Auditing Law Institute: Industrial Management Institute Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 2, 2012 Certificate: Psychological Skills in Negotiations Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign
    Affairs Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, October 9-10, 2012
  24. Certificate: Iran and International Water Paths Rights Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, October 13- 17, 2012


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