


Date of Birth: August 18rd, 1978

Address: 14 Plympton Road Carlingford NSW 2118

Telephone: +611449736336

       Email:  sartipi.hossein@gmail.com

Positive Assessed by



Judicial & Other Legal Professionals nec 

Issued: Apr 2016

With the excellent point mentioned Field of study International Law is highly relevant

Possession Assessed positively: 8.6 years (ANZASCO Code: 271299)


I’m a barrister, contractor administrator and legal advisor 

  • The purpose of this role is to ensure the effective management of employer Legal Team and to ensure the provision of professional legal services to native title clients in accordance with the strategic priorities of the organization

To obtain a position requiring whom is responsible and has capacity for the legal operations of the organization. The underpinning responsibilities include: 

  • Coordinate the preparation and conduct of native title claims based on evidence, claim group aspirations and instructions and so on
  • Provide high-level, strategic advice to native title claimant groups in relation to filing of native title applications, future acts and agreement making, and the settlement of native title applications with an emphasis on negotiated outcomes. 
  • Provide leadership and manage the operations and the performance of the Legal Team to ensure tasks are effectively carried out within budget and timeframes.    
  • Contribute to the development of the Employer Strategic Plan, especially in relation to the performance of statutory functions and related services to native title client groups. 
  • Identify the need for external legal assistance, draft submissions and prepare briefs for counsel and for management as required and monitor the performance of consultant lawyers. 
  • Work closely with other sections to ensure that all research work is undertaken in compliance with the relevant legislation and in accordance with the legal strategy for each claim. 
  • Solve complex problems and clearly articulate difficult legal concepts to Indigenous groups and individuals. 
  • Assist with the development of policies and procedures regarding employers’ performance of statutory and contractual functions. 
  • Assist with the preparation of reports, funding submissions or similar documentation that may be required.
  • Provide reports and advice, as required, to the managers and to the board. 
  • Negotiate agreements with other stakeholders in relation to land interests. 
  • Undertake other tasks, relevant to this position, as required by the Chief Executive Officer.

Work Experience

Other Experiences

  • Iranian Supreme National Security Council
  • Legal Advisor and expert in legal and administrative affairs                       Sep1999 – Dec 2006
  • Legal manager of Supreme National Security Council                                              Dec 2006 – Mar 2008
  • Member of the International Commission of Bar Association                                         Jul 2010 – Jul 2011
  • Faculty of News
  • Member of Permanent Board of Trustees Commission    Aug 2011 – Oct 2013
  • Deputy of dean of faculty             Aug 2011 – Oct 2013
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran
  • Member of Coordination Council of Legal Affairs                                                    Nov 2011 – Mar 2013
  • Legal Expert of Department of International Law                              Jul 2011 – Mar 2013
  • Political Expert of Department of Africa                                     Nov 2014 – Mar 2015
  • Legal and contract expert in Zoroastrians Association of Tehran              Mar 2013 – Now
  • Legal and contract expert in Bombay- Iranian Zoroastrians Association (India)               Mar 2013 – Now
  • Legal and contract expert in Endowment of the late Rostam Abadian                              Mar 2013 – Now
  • Legal and contract expert in Charity Foundation of the Late Rostam Abadian                 Mar 2013 – Now
  • Iranian Office of President
  • Advisor to the legal vice president (equal rank as vice minister)                                Sep 2013 – Dec 2013
  • Advisor to Political- Security Commission of Council of Ministers                           Oct 2013 – Dec 2013
  • Head of the team to prepare Iranian Charter on Human Rights                               Sep 2013 – Dec 2013
  • Faculty Member & Assistant Professor                                       Sep 2013 – Now
  • Payam-e-Noor University
  • Legal Advisor & special Vice- Minister (equal rank as vice-minister) Minister of Labor, Cooperative, Welfare and Social Affairs                        Dec 2013 – Dec 2015
  • Director General of Legal and Contracts Affairs- Municipalities & district governor offices organizations – Ministry of the Interior              May 2014 – Aug-2014
  • Legal Advisor Arya Hospital                                                                                   Jan 2014 – Now

 : Skills


A good lawyer will possess an inquisitive nature.

Problem-Solving Abilities

Being a problem solver is one of the root skills of any attorney.

Symptomatic Reading Attorneys will have to read a great deal of material when they take on a client.

Writing Skills

Having the ability to write well lays a solid foundation for all the documents a lawyer must write such as arguments, contracts, and legal letters.

Conversation/ Articulation Abilities

Just as writing skills are important, so too are verbal skills.

General Investigation/Research Skills

Attorneys have to spend hours investigating and researching information for clients.

Organization / Management Skills

The legal system in the United States has grown more complex in the last century.

Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7/8/10

Internet and It Technology


  1. Qualification: Ph.D. in International Law

Institute: Payame Noor University, Postgraduate Studies Dept. of Tehran

Year:               From Oct 2008 till Oct 2012

  1. Qualification:         Master’s Degree in International Law

Institute: Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

Year: From Sep 2001 till Aug 2003

  1. Qualification:   Bachelor  in Law

Institute: Tehran University

Year: From September1996 till May 2001

  1. Qualification:   Master  in Law (Intellectual Property)

Institute: UTS – Sydney

Year: From September 2016 till Mar 2018

  1. Qualification:   Diploma in Leadership & Management

Institute: School of Management

Year: 2016

  1. Qualification:                                                         Ilets and Skills in English


(Reading: 6., Writing: 7., Speaking:7.5., Listening:6.5)

:Other Qualifications

  1. Certificate: Regional Workshop on International Cooperation in Asset Recovery

Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Economic Cooperation Organization, Regional Program for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 10-11 October 2012;

  1. Certificate: The Second International Summer School on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity

Institute: Institute for Social Research – Swinburne University of Technology of Australia, School of International Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity; Tehran, Iran, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 9-11 July 2012;

  1. Certificate: Workshop on Tackling Transnational Organized Crime

Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and INTERPOL (Tehran)

Place and Year:  Iran, Tehran, 25-26 June 2012

  1. Certificate: International Workshop on Human Rights and Development

Institute: Shahid Beheshti University, Non-Aliged Movement Center for Human Rights, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Peace and Democracy

Place and Year:  Iran, Tehran, 22 May 2012

  1. Certificate: Regional Workshop on Preventing and Combating Cross-border Cash Smuggling

Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Place and Year:  Tajikestan, Dushanbe, 25-27 Jan 2012

  1. Certificate: Assessing Major Gaps and Challenges in International Humanitarian Law (IHL)Smuggling

Institute: University of Geneva, University of Shahid Beheshti, Islamic Human Rights Commission

Place and Year: 8 Jan 2011, Tehran, Iran

  1. Certificate: Preventive and Administrative Measures on Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism for Financial

Institute: The Financial Intelligence Unit of the I.R. of Iran and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 28-29 November 2011

  1. Certificate: International Humanitarian Law: Protection of Civilians

Institute: The Non-Aliged Movement Center for Human Rights, the ICRC, National University of Ireland and Shahid Beheshti University

Place: Iran, Tehran

  1. Certificate: Human Rights and Cultural Diversity

Institute: Center for Human Rights Education at Curtin University, Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy

Place: Iran, Tehran

  1. Certificate: International Trade Law: E-commerce and Internet

Institute: Austrian Center for International Legal Studies – CILS- and Iranian Association Bar on Drugs and Crime

Place:  Iran, Tehran,

  1. Certificate: International Trade Law

Institute: Austrian Center for International Legal Studies – CILS & Iranian Association Bar

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran,

  1. Certificate: World Assembly of International Trade Regulation & Contracts in Middle East

Institute: The British Law Society & Solicitors Regulation Authority

Place and Year: Iran, Kish,

  1. Certificate: Legal Research Methodology

Institute: Faculty of Law, National University of Malaysia (UKM)

Place and Year: Malaysia, Kualalampur, 2010

  1. Certificate: Cybercrime

Institute: Iranian Judiciary and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Iran

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 26 May 2012

  1. Certificate: Anti-Corruption Thematic Areas, Methods and Tools of Asset Recovery

Institute: Iranian Judiciary, Interpol – Tehran and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Iran

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 11 and 12 Nov 2012

  1. Certificate: Human Rights and Cultures, Legal Cultures in Support of the jurisprudence of Humanity

Institute: Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, ICRC

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 13-15 Nov 2012

  1. Certificate: Practical Measures to Prevent Illegal Trafficking and Smuggling of Cultural Property and Investigate and Recover Stolen or Smuggled Artifacts

Institute: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Italian Military Force (Carribainary)

Place and Year: Italia, Roma, 19 -21 November 2012

  1. Certificate: International Trade Law: Foreign Investment and International Transportation

Institute: Austrian Center for International Legal Studies – CILS- and Iranian Association Bar

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 22-23 April 2015

  1. Certificate: Independence of the Legal Profession and Bar Association: International Perspectives

Institute: International Bar Association and Nationwide Union of Iranian Bar Associations

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, 26 July 2015   

  1. Certificate: Principles and Techniques in International Negotiations

Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, May 12-16, 2012

  1. Certificate: Principles and Techniques in International Trades Negotiations

Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 8- 11, 2012

  1. Certificate: Multilateral Diplomacy in Theory and Practice

Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 12- 18, 2012

  1. Certificate: Understanding and Developing Treaties in the International and Regional Organizations

Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 19, 2012

  1. Certificate: Specialized  Workshop on Principles, Techniques and Art of Negotiation

Institute: Industrial Management Institute

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 2, 2012

  1. Certificate: Review on Public Auditing Law

Institute: Industrial Management Institute

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, July 2, 2012

  1. Certificate: Psychological Skills in Negotiations

Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, October 9-10, 2012

  1. Certificate: Iran and International Water Paths Rights

Institute: College of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Place and Year: Iran, Tehran, October 13- 17, 2012



1- Humanitarian Intervention from Theory to Practice, Hossein Sartipi, Tehran, Center of Strategic Researches, Research Dept. of International Studies, Vol. one, Fall 2007, National Bibliography Code: 1081805.

2- Study the Jurisdiction of International Penal Court (Legal Study of Detention Writ of Omar AL Bashir, President of Sudan), Hossein Sartipi, Tehran, Ideh Nou Publication, Spring, 2011, National Bibliography Code: 978-600-90037-9-2

3- Nuclear Security Law (Study the Approach of Non- proliferation of Nuclear Weapons System), Hossein Sartipi, Tehran, Mizan Law Foundation, winter 2014, National Bibliography Code: 0978-964-511-519-5


1. Papers in English

  1. Review of peaceful application of nuclear energy in international law, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 788711, September 2014, (ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor},pp.26-36.
  1. The Nature of Cultural Diversity and Impacts of Human Security to live Better, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, Vol-I, Issue-IV, January 2015, (ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor},  pp.30-49.
  2. The Concept of Sovereignty, Movement in Development, and Legal Postmodernity ,International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, Vol-II, Issue-I, July 2015, (ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}, pp. 134-167.
  3. The Innovation in Concept of the Erga-Omnesisation of International Law, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2015, Vol-II, Issue-II, 30 September 2015,)ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}, pp. 189-28.
  4. The Basis of Good Faith and Creation of International Commitment (Case Study of JCPOA), International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2016, Vol-II, Issue-II, 31 Jan 2016,  )ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}, pp. 81-90. 
  5. Responsibility to Protect, Terrorism and the Evolution in Traditional International Law Framework, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2016, Vol-II, Issue-IV, 31 Jan 2016, )ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}, pp. 138-164. 
  6. Right to Life, Traditional Framework of Targeted Assassination and New Challenges in Implementing Human Rights, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2016, Vol-II Issue-V, 31 Mar 2016, )ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}, pp. 226-243. 
  7. International Criteria in Human rights, Culture & Diversity in Human Ethnicity, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2016, Vol-II Issue-V, 31 Mar 2016, )ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}, pp. 110-131. 
  8. Sovereignty and Change in Fundamental Paradigms of it in Modern International Law, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2016, Vol-II Issue-V, 31 Mar 2016, )ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}, pp. 171-187. 
  9. Traditional Frameworks of Immunity of States and Heads of States in International Law, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2016, Vol-II Issue-VI, May 2016, )ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor} pp.138-147.
  1. Passage from Traditional Immunity to its Modern Concepts in International Law, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, 2016, Vol-II Issue-VI, May 2016,) ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor} pp. 81-94.
  2. Innovative Conceptual Revolution in the Legal Nature of the Responsibility of Heads of States Over Time, International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, Volume-III, Issue-II, September 2016 -) ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor} pp.52-64
  3. Functions of Election in a Democratic System, International Research Journal Of interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, Vol-II Issue-IX, Oct 2016-, )ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor}.
  4. Targeted killing, the New Legal Challenge in Employing Military Drones, International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies, A Peer-Reviewed Bi-monthly Bi-lingual Research Journal, Published by Scholar Publications Karimgani, Assam, India, Volume-III, Issue-IV, January 2017, -) ISI) {DRJI, Scientific Indexing Service, General Impact Factor} pp. 54-68

2- Papers in Persian Language

Papers in scientific- research journals

Cultural Diversity, Civil Right and Human Security Approach, Journal of Cultural, Scientific and Research Interdisciplinary Studies, February 2015, Tehran, selected to be published in next edition

Study the Legal Challenges in Construction and Repairs of Buildings Purchased by Draft, Tehran, Scientific, Research Journal on Urban Management, selected to be published in next edition

Recognition of the Regime Making Process in Nuclear Security Law, Tehran, Scientific, Research Journal of Defense Policies, selected to be published in next edition

Legal International Methods of Cooperation in Transfer of Peaceful Nuclear Technology, Rahbord Scientific Research Journal, Center of Strategic Research, Winter 2013, Vol. 65, Pp. 319-345

Reserve Right in the International Organizations Establishment Document by Emphasize on the Convention of Treaties Law, Rahbord Scientific Research Journal, Center of Strategic Research, winter 2012, Vol. 61, Pp. 57-91

Study and Critique on Goal Targeted Terror, Combatting Terrorism and international Armed Conflicts Law, Tehran, Scientific and Research Journal on General Law, Faculty of Law, Allame-h-Tabatabaei University, 14th Year, Vol. 38, Fall and Winter 2012-2013

Introduction to Humanitarian Military Intervention, Karaj, Scientific- Research Journal of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, selected to be published in next edition

Limited and Non-military Humanitarian Mechanisms: Karaj, Scientific- Research Journal of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, selected to be published in next edition

Papers in Scientific- Promoting Publications

Doctrine of Illegitimacy of Sovereign and Dissent in Traditional Frameworks of Internationals Law, Tehran, Journal of Legal Researches (Scientific- Propagative and Indexed in ISC), selected to be published in next edition

Other reliable publications and journals (strategic)

1- Recognition of the Regime Making Process in Nuclear Security Law, Tehran, Scientific, Research  Journal of Defense Policies, summer 2012 selected to be published in next edition

2- New Challenges of Sovereignty, Soft International Law and Non- proliferation System Tehran, Scientific, Research Journal of Defense Policies, summer 2012 selected to be published in next edition

3- Studying the Behavior of International Justice Tribunal in Developing Fundamental Civil Rights with Emphasize on the Procedures of the Tribunal in Interpreting Convention of Banning Torture in Armed Conflicts Law,  Tehran, Journal of Defense Policies, Fall 2013, Vol. 6, Pp. 117-148

Participation in Scientific International Seminars & Conferences

  1. Seminar on  First International Conference on Human Rights and Cultures: Cultures in Support of Humanity – 24-26 November 2011, – Tehran Iran
  1. Arranged by: The Non-Aliged Movement Center for Human Rights, the ICRC and the center for Human Rights Education at Curtin University – Australia

Title of Article: Human Security and Economic Aspects & Cultural Diversity for Universal Peace

  1. Seminar on International Trade Law: E-commerce and Internet – 27 & 28 April 2011 – Tehran Iran, Arranged by: International Affairs Commission of Iranian Central Bar Association and the Center for International legal Studies (CILS)

Title of Article: Comparison of Payment in E-commerce Law and Iranian Trade Law

  1. International Conference on International Humanitarian Law: Protection of Civilians – 22-23 Nov 2011, Tehran Iran

Arranged by: The Non-Aliged Movement Center for Human Rights, the ICRC , National University of Ireland and Shahid Beheshti University,

  1. International Seminar on International Trade Law – 6 & 7 Jun 2009 – Sponsored by: International Affairs Commission of Iranian Central Bar Association and the Center for International legal Studies (CILS).
  1. International Seminar on World Assembly of International Trade Regulation & Contracts in Middle East – 16 January 2010 – Tehran Iran

Arranged by: The British Law Society & Solicitors Regulation Authority.

The 23rd AAOU Annual Conference November 3-5, 2009, Tehran, Iran Payame Noor University.

  1. Seminar on Analyzing “The Process and Results of  the Recent Meeting on Human Rights on Periodic  Study of the Islamic Republic of Iran” July 3, 2010, Tehran, Iran, Research Center of Strategic Researches, Deputy of the International Researches, Center of Strategic Studies of Expediency Council

Participation in the inter-state and diplomatic regional seminars and conferences

  1. 65th session of International Law Commission – United Nation, Geneva, 8 July – 9 August 2013.
  1. 21st Session of United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) , United Nations, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 April 2012.
  1. Reconvened 20th session of the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) section, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), United Nations, Vienna, Austria, 12-13 December 2011;
  1. 4th session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, United Nations, Marrakech, Morocco, 25- 28 October 2011;
  1. First Task Force Meeting under sub-programme 2 of the UNODC Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries (2012-2014), Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 27 Jan 2012;
  1. Joint meeting with Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), United Nations, Vienna, Austria, 12 December 2011;
  1. Informal Consultations on the UNTOC Review Mechanisms, Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, United Nations, Vienna, Austria, 14-15 December 2011;
  1. Workshop on the Implementation of Salvador Declaration, United Nations, Vienna, Austria, 23April 2012.

Side Event– The initiative under the Regional Programme on Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries to prevent illegal financial flows and money laundering originated by illicit opiates trafficking   on CASH at the 21st Session of CCPCJ, United Nations, Vienna, Austria, 26 April 2012.


When an employer hires a legal advisor, it must select a person with exceptional legal skills and background. Equally important, the legal advisor must possess impeccable personality traits to overcome cultural differences that may deeply impact any business relationship. Following is a discussion of type of personality traits of a superior legal advisor:

1. Trustworthy: The legal advisor will have access to the client’s confidential information and processes. Obviously, he needs to be trusted.

2. Dedicated: Although the legal consultant is a contractor, he needs to be dedicated to the success of your organization. He has to feel that your success is his success.

3. Social: Your legal consultant must be a warm and friendly people-person that can socialize easily with all different types of people. In order for him to elicit information from staff, he must make them feel comfortable.

4. Honest: The legal advisor needs to be honest with his client – even if the honest transmission of information may hurt the client.

5. Courteous: A legal consultant or advisor deals with all different types of people – people of different cultures, nationalities, religions and personality types. He must be courteous to people’s differences in order to be effective.

6. Patient: Since the role of an advisor or consultant is to identify and solve problems. Some staff will be forthcoming with information while others will be more resolved. A good legal consultant will be patient.

7. Understanding: When listening to staff and management, your legal advisor needs to listen, comprehend and understand the issues. A quick response often means an ineffective one. To develop a good solution, the problems must be understood.

8. Respectful: An effective legal advisor must be respectful of the various management structures and office politics. If he “steps on the toes” of the wrong person, his entire reputation can be undermined.

9. Good Listener: This personality trait does not really need explanation. It is arguably the most important of the ten.

10. Open Minded: In addition to being open-minded to cultural differences, the legal advisor must be open-minded to different methods of problem-solving and management techniques

I always attempt to increase my ability and capacity in above mentioned fields.