International Conference on International Humanitarian Law: Protection of Civilians

Date: 22-23 Nov 2011 Location: Tehran- Iran Arranged by: The Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights, the ICRC, National University of Ireland and Shahid Beheshti University Title of Article: Comparison of Payment in E-commerce…

Seminar on International Trade Law: E-commerce and the Internet

Date: 27 & 28 April 2011 Location: Tehran- Iran Arranged by: International Affairs Commission of Iranian Central Bar Association and the Center for International Legal Studies (CILS) Title of Article: Comparison of Payment in E-commerce…

Seminar on First International Conference on Human Rights and Cultures: Cultures in Support of Humanity

  Date: 24-26 November 2011 Location: Tehran- Iran Arranged by: The Non-Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights, the ICRC and the Centre for Human Rights Education at Curtin University – Australia Title of Article: Human S…